Welcome, to the delivery of renewable power



Yoo Energy continue to push towards our joint sustainable energy future. Developing through the complexities of sustainable energy projects, to produce renewable power and efficient energy infrastructure. This allows us to offer market leading returns, whilst protecting the world around us.


Yoo Energy bring over fifteen years of unparalleled expertise in the renewable energy sector. We have successfully delivered from greenfield to operational multiple developments, including a large portfolio of wind turbines culminating in the strategic exit to one of the UK’s leading insurance funds. We are developing Sweden’s largest solar farm, once operational generating enough electricity to meet the household needs of approximately 78,000 people. In Italy we have over 20 utility scale solar projects in development, along with 2GWh of battery storage projects.


In the UK we have developed and exited four utility-scale 50 MW battery projects that collectively meet the short-term energy demands of 1 million households. Furthermore, we have a substantial development pipeline exceeding 300 MW, continuing our growth in the renewable energy sector.


Yoo Energy whilst working with development partners, work directly with landowners and key stakeholders to develop projects. Yoo energy has significant expertise and experience in solar, wind and battery, covering the UK, Western Europe and the Nordics.


What we do: Yoo Energy takes projects through early stage development; securing the main risk obstacles in land, environmental certification, planning, grid connectivity, supply resource and export income. Either building out projects to operational or selling ready to build.


If you have a project(s) you need support to realise, a site that could be developed, a need for sustainable power or would simply like to know more about the opportunities in our growing market, please do get in touch.






Electricity from wind

The UK is one of the best locations in the world for wind development, with wind turbines contributing to 30% of the country’s electricity generation. On a levelized cost of energy (including the cost of carbon) on shore wind in the UK has the lowest cost of on energy compared to any other technology (including coal, nuclear, gas and solar).

Having developed 17 operational wind turbines sites, from green field and taking on sites pre-construction. Yoo Energy aggregated and successfully sold on the portfolio to a well-known financial institution.

Whilst currently developing projects including extensions to previous sites in Scotland, Yoo Energy are looking for further opportunities for projects with good wind resource and nearby available grid resource. Both through simple acquisition and in funding joint venture developments. 




Electricity from the sun

Yoo Energy are focusing on the solar market across the UK, Europe and the Nordics. From our largest project at 130MW in Sweden, through to developments in the higher yield climates of Spain and Italy. Where we work with local expertise to ensure best practice and thoughtful value creation.

Whilst not as sunny as other parts of the world and with subsidies no longer supporting the United Kingdom’s solar market, there remain effective opportunities for solar development. The two strands Yoo Energy are focused on are industrial scale solar with direct wire (supplying power directly to users) and 20MW+ standalone projects. Where direct wire projects have long term PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) with a credit worthy counter party who are able to commit to long term power offtake.


Energy Storage


Electrical grid demand response

As we move further into renewable energy deployment, the ability to balance national grids against intermittent generation becomes increasingly critical. The power generated by wind and solar on a windy and sunny summers day, compared to a still and dark winters evening, result in a variation in supply that doesn’t correlate to demand. Energy storage technologies such as batteries, allow the grid to respond to this variable generation in order to balance with the power demand.

Yoo Energy are developing utility scale demand response battery projects supporting the increasing deployment of intermittent, renewable electricity generation. This also helps to offset diesel peaking plants which are frequently used due low deployment cost, but come with high environmental and running costs




As part of the wider Yoo group, Yoo Energy enjoys a broad technical development experience with a strong project finance background. 


Jonathan Hall


Jonathan hails from a surveying pedigree. Having worked with our chairman John Hitchcox for over 25 years, Jonathan was responsible for a large number of development site acquisitions; both during their Manhattan Loft Corporation days (bringing incredible domestic living spaces to market), along with a number of larger projects by Yoo. He has also been instrumental in forming some of the longer-term investment strategies here at Yoo.

His experience in investment lead him naturally towards renewable energy projects. Post Credit Crunch, Wind and Solar markets in the UK, with non-correlated index linked returns, made perfect sense. With early mover advantage, having developed an aggregated portfolio of wind turbine projects, he then led the successful sale of the portfolio to a well-known intuitional investor.

Jonathan saw the near-term opportunity for the Energy from Waste sector in the UK and added this to the solar, wind and energy storage projects being created by Yoo Energy. Working with developers and end holders of assets, he continues to grow existing projects and develop new opportunities in the space.


Anthony Agnew

Development Director

Anthony’s mix of sustainable engineering, project development and finance have him ideally placed to help grow the Yoo Energy portfolio. Having successfully developed his own 23 Acre Solar farm in Cornwall in 2014, he went onto to work under JV with Yoo Energy on both wind farms and solar projects. As an entrepreneur, Anthony has run his own businesses over the last 14 years, in both the UK and Asia.

Including starting and running for six years, a sustainable heating and power business, installing for domestic and commercial clients. He is also active in project and finance broking globally in the sustainable energy sector. Having introduced Yoo to an Energy from Waste project, he was invited to join the team to further develop opportunities in the UK, Ireland and further afield.

Yoo Energy continues to develop and look for opportunities in energy from waste (UK and Ireland), solar (Western Europe), wind (UK & Ireland) and energy storage (UK). Supporting the global paradigm shift towards our sustainable energy future.



 2 Bentinck Street
London W1U 2FA
United Kingdom


+44 (0)207 009 0100


© Yoo Capital 2020